I, UltraBeast Blog!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

FaceBook Automatically Posts Up Stuff to your Profile.

Just found out, much to my chagrin, that FaceBook, once again, has this infuriating characteristic of automatically* posting stuff to your profile...

* For context of past automatic posts of suchsame nature, refer to this picture:!/photo.php?pid=6038913&id=543498409&ref=fbx_album

Looks like, this time, I'd have to explain myself =_="

Indeed, I have taken one particular "FaceBook Quiz" out of curiousity... However, it was taken like a whole week ago, and when the results came out and asked to "Publish / Skip?" of course... I choose "Skip"...
But....... today, FaceBook somehow automatically posted it up on my profile... without my knowledge (or consent) O_o

... and... who knows in future, what kind of other hidden information from my side will surface up? (*gasp*... does this also mean... information of the Edison Chen** type???)

Anna Lim: i like how they mention your future HUBBY!
" Uhhh.....I mean in front-no-I like women...ummmm.. "

Since you already discovered it...
that means... to sort this out... I will have to come from behind at you. >D

Wow Batman! How did you know that wasn't Robin?

U Bill Lee And, The Best Comment ever, that makes total sense:

from "BurnoutSpartan"

Onlooker: Wow Batman! How did you know that wasn't Robin?
...Batman: Because I'm usually behind Robin.
Onlooker: O_o
Batman: Uhhh.....I mean in front-no-I like women...ummmm..
*Batman snaps onlooker's neck*

Kevin Tan Eu Jin Melvin Yeo Jenny Lau

September 3 at 1:25am
Jayla Woo likes this.

Another noteworthy comment:

from "aRandomPerson"
Am I the only one that, on first glance, thought that Batman forced Snake to give him head?

** A certain young and retired (this combination, commonly regarded as "successful" XD ) Hong Kong actor, most famous for his starring role in a series of self-produced home videos.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Letters from Iwo Jima (2)

(You won't find the first letter in this blog... it's in my FaceBook Notes...)

Return to The Island on Friday... reached here around 6pm in the evening.
Brought quite a sizeable amount of supplies to move into The Hive... the procedure always gives me the impression of ... "Urban Camping".

As it is, moving the things unassisted into The Hive necessitated 4 (four) back-and-forth trips to the vehicle. Reminds me of pick-and-place machine... single picking = slow UPH... gang picking = improved UPH performance...

Reminds me of the purchase of many household items that you and I take for granted, some weeks ago... the purchase came up to a total of the princely sum of RM 200.40... the bulk of which is taken up (33%) by a device called a 'trolley'.

This device, unfamiliar for people with long surface-dwelling experience,
but, absolutely necessary for me now that I live in L~boîte~en~ciel*.

This kind of shopping experience for me is not the first time, however, and now when I think back about it, I appear to be quite the discerning housewife when it comes to this process...
anti-bacterial rinse-free cleaning solution for floors, branded higher-quality sponges for dishwashing (as opposed to the cheapest possible sponges in bulk) and... microfibre cloths for furniture and kitchen.
It makes a lot of difference, when you clean with a purpose-built scientifically-developed cleaning cloth, compared to using a coarse rag XD I can tell you that the user experience is immensely more pleasurable ~
(fond memories of "Ebichu the Housekeeping Hamster" come to mind... however, contains content not suitable for minors, and definitely not to be confused with Hamtaro. XD )

* French for "The Box in Sky", said in that same charming way, as that Japanese pop-rock group that some of you may remember:
L'arc~en~ciel, which simply means "The Rainbow" in French, or literally, "The Arc in Sky". ;D

Hmmm... so that was basically how my Friday night went, as much as I make efforts to remember...
the other event was supper at 3am... coz couldn't sleep notwithstanding quite a heavy dinner (probably taken too early.)


Ok, took some time off to do that which "my self is screaming at you to not do" ... haven't been doing it since the very beginning of August, when I hurt my arm, anyway I was also out of the country for about 3 weeks... not bad, if compared to doing nothing at all... but still feel that pain again... so no choice, have to go slow about it... at this age, seems that any damage incurred heals more slowly ... than at 16 or 17 years of age... (memories of shin-crunching tackles and ankle-twisting sudden turns, that are shrugged off during the game, and just takes two days or so to get back to normal...)

Somehow, when you do something that is not easy for you to do, you start to think of those things that are so easy for you to do, that you could just do with a single thought... and you begin to appreciate these things more.

Took care of dinner quite promptly... and slept at (gasp!) 11.30pm... must be the exertion that brings this about... seldom sleep before 12am (usually 2am, or later...) ... I think this is a good thing. (As doing "what your self is screaming at you to not do", usually is.)


As a consequence, woke up quite early... 4:30 am... in time for an SMS shortly after that, checking with me for "supper"... Well, too early for me, I replied.

The focus of the day was an excursion to stock up on edible rations (as important today, and indeed at any time, as they were during the Defence of Gibraltar) .. however, as raw materials, rather than finished goods.

Visited the wet market close to Jalan Tengah... about 8am.

Yes, I have a curious affinity for wet markets... the sights, sounds, and including the smell of which. XD
Somehow, I have the (perhaps grossly misplaced) perception that raw food sold in more sanitized environments are 'less fresh'.*

* probably only in our country though; in Japan and Korea, they have "clean wet markets", of which I do not get the impression that the food there is not fresh.
Particularly memorable are the Korean barbecue joints which have fresh raw meat sold on-premises... coupled with "beef sashimi" where beef is eaten raw just like that... not something that I would attempt locally.

However after a visit, this particular wet market is not someplace I'd do my shopping, I decided...
reason is because compared to the one I'm familiar with in my kampung... this one is inside an indoor complex... and what does that mean?
It means that the floor is wet and slippery with foul gunk, and you're too worried about keeping your footing when jostling with the peasants to be able to take your time to comfortably make selection of prime cuts (aaaahhhh.... FRESH MEAT)
And the crowd is such that... "whereever there is a space enough for a person to stand... there will be a person standing there"

With this, after breakfast, quite quickly adjourned to a supermarket... but before 10am, hardly time yet that it opens... sit around doing some reading while waiting for it to commence operations (brings back memories of lining up for much-anticipated cinema and concert tickets... hardly congruous with the task of shopping for groceries... but in this view, brings to mind the advance lining-up tightly holding on to ration cards... ala Japanese-occupied Malaya.)

Two large pieces of chicken keel = RM 4.43
Vegetables (unknown species) = RM 3.10
Brown unpolished rice = RM 23.99
Oranges, ...
Drinking water, ...
Chopping board = RM 21.90
Kikkoman soy sauce = RM 10.50 (price is in double digits, if compared to other brands, even in bottles of higher volume)
"Secret ingredient" = RM 5.40 ...

Got out of there as soon as possible after grabbing all those things... again, the process of moving everything into The Hive (I could so get used to this)

It's about 1pm then... time for lunch...

The process involves cleaning the rice grains, breaking out the rice cooker, and cleaning and using the utensils as I go along... washing the vegetables and finally slicing up the meat ... 1.30pm.

Put rice, water and meat into the rice cooker, and the "Special Ingredient"... woooo...

2:10pm: rice is ready, pop the vegetables into the rice cooker for a while

2:20pm: Serves romantic lunch for one (1), quantity enough for two servings.

Oho... why chronicle this? Hehe... just a thought, since recently saw this photo album on FaceBook entitled,
"My Wife's Cooking"

by my ex-housemate Chen Kiat. :D
Brings to mind that feature that those highly-networked blogs use (but I don't really know about) ... "Trackback"... "XX blog responses"... etc... :D

Anyway, the content of that photo album, as we always used to exclaim, "bahagia" XD

あぁ、 とても幸せそう。。。 羨ましい。。。 ~
ここに、 今は全部で寂しい自分でやる。。。 本当にかわいそう。。。
優しいだれか。。。 少し愛をくれるか? ~ T___T

Aa, totemo shiawasesou ... urayamashii ... ~
Koko ni, ima wa zenbu de sabishii jibun de yaru... hontou ni kawaisou...
yasashii dareka... sukoshi ai wo kureru ka? ~ T___T

Back to the main topic,
this meal (looks to be dinner as well)
- no salt
- no oil
- no cornstarch preparation on the raw meat before cooking
- no garlic (could and should be added)
- no spring onions (could and should be added)
Not because health-consciousness is the primary concern, but I found out some years back, that trying to add the first two or three items in the list above... gives you more things to do XD

Here are some photos:

Minimalist in ingredients, but to my palate, eminently edible+ (and definitely better than anything I could get outside here.)
+: The opinion stated in this article represents the author's opinion only and does not constitute an invitation to order or eat.
( Keeping in line with the trend of excessive litigation prevalent in today's modern society XD )

Oh, just to add.
Since I mentioned  "Special Ingredient" and "The Hive"...
Some weeks back, went for some Thai food with Melv... including one chicken dish, with that intriguing mention of "Special Sauce (tm)"... woooooo.....

But found out later that night, I am allergic to something in that three/four-course meal... which I identified that I've eaten everything there before, so it could only be..... the "Special Ingredient"... and when asked "then what is it you're allergic to?" ... Answer: "Don't know... 'Secret Ingredient' mah... how would I know what it is..."

Anyway, it caused me to break out in hives*, which took a day to cresendo to a climax of rashes covering 70-80% of the body, and a further day to subside, without any anaphylactic frothing of the mouth in between.

* hives, the curious condition that the main guy character in harem-type animes always seems to get, when all the comely anime girls throw themselves at him... due to his being allergic to girls.

All girls, except for one. The One.

(cliched, we all know XD )

Anyway, preparing the meal, for the entire day, took much faster than I expected (in seeming contradiction of The Only Law, which states "Everything takes longer than you expect.")

So with the fun, exciting and dramatic events of the earlier part of the day done, and since everything took much faster than I anticipated it to be... I have an entire evening ahead of me... hmmm, let me figure out what do I want to do and where do I want to go next... (or just eat until full, and ZZZzzzzzzz...)

Return of The UltraBeast

Wokay, children ~!

As prophesized by this previous post, it is as foretold.

Main reason why I set up my own site again, rather than to continue using FaceBook's "Notes" is... same reason as ALL the previous (Facebook Notes, Friendster Blog, Tabulas blog, etc.) times -- infuriating text formatting controls. To me, Blogspot also used to have this kind of issue in 2008... which I took issue with, and subsequently used a CMS, instead of Blogger.

Anyway, today, blogspot's Rich Text Editor feels very satisfactory to me (a small gripe, it does not WYSIWYG the actual CSS styling of your site to the text in the editor, but I can tolerate that.)

Learnt a lot in the past two (2) years wandering in wilderness (荒野流転 - Kouya Ruten) ... tried out *everything* that an open source repository had to offer... *add add add* and *tweak tweak tweak*... in part, compelled to due to my curious Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
To add: I have an extreme disdain for people who always want things the easy way... i.e. wanting everything easy, not making any effort at the slightest suggestion of difficulty, giving up without having even started.

At the present moment, doesn't really feel like I had spent a lot of time on it all... although I did... what I got out of it is an immense pleasure (also during the time of the delving, a kind of curious masochistic pleasure) and right now, knowing what to use and where to find it, at a thought... (At this stage, not that I'd want to spend time and effort on that right now, unless I deem the tradeoff of time to be worthy.)

Ok, so that's the gist of it...
  • the pictures and the tumblr site chronicle the sequence of events leading to the opening of this site ("The opening of this site was the exclamation mark to all that had happened before this"*), and 
  • the main reason of shifting many times, (as mentioned by the post before this) was the quest for *THE* satisfactory Rich Text Editor.

* said in that "flashback narration device", often used in stories in many media, but most memorably used in the intro of the PC game Max Payne :D

Interview With The UltraBeast has Matured!

(Originally posted on Sunday, 11 May 2008)

Interview With The UltraBeast has Matured! (comparatively, somewhat ..)

Well then respected folks.. It is almost two months since this site's creation/birth/launch/unleashing on White Day 2008 ...

Before this, there was a series of wanderings in wilderness of the online content management system scene in search of the most convenient and powerful, versatile way of posting and managing easily-formatted content online.. both text and photos - as in both thumbnails, and the full-size high-res original images - at the same time intelligently preloading in an invisible, non-intrusive manner.. ohoho... on this count especially am I most happy...

And as (the venerable ancient Chinese sage) Mencius' mother (bless her good self) moved three (3) times to settle for the most conducive environment for the development of her offspring... the same number of times I have moved* (bless my good self)

And, isn't it coincidental, that I notice, right now, that it is Mother's Day today! So, all good folks, please express your utmost gratitude to your mother for her bringing you into this world ... regardless that it was without your consent.

( and in that same way was Interview With The UltraBeast brought to you... so does that make me a mother... of sorts? So, commend me, today ~! :D )

*with some sojourns into not a few loose standalone web pages somewhere along the way... that I'm glad that everything has come together now here at I,UltraBeast.

Click on Coat-of-Arms to view full size

Still, the archives of the previous blogs hold quite a sizeable number of fond reminiscences... my heartfelt 'arigatou' to them.

Happy Surfing, friends ~! :D

Theme Song For This Year's White Day is Now Posted Up at !

(Originally posted on Thursday, 03 April 2008)

Yoshaa ~~!

The theme song for this year's White Day is now up at !

Don't know when it will be edited though; putting up the English translation and kanji screwed up the romaji that was already there.. so don't know whether their fixing the romaji will then in turn have the converse effect ~

Anyway, just to record down my first ever contribution there...

And so that's my little contribution to the world today ~

Sunday, September 12, 2010


14 March 2008

"~ WHITE Day ~"

Because you're here...

"There's no such thing as a destined person"
Although that's what everybody, while laughing tells me
The pain that I am feeling now... is something real
The me who noticed is always shining... because of you

Do you feel it? Do you not feel it?
I want these feelings to immediately reach you, my smile to reach your lips.

I want to touch, let's touch
I want to stop time, stand on tiptoe to gently kiss you.

If you're here in the mornings when I wake up
Smiling and wishing me "Good Morning"
Surely my insides will melt into fleeting bubbles
Just the moment of our chance meeting takes my breath away.

Can you see it? Can you not see it?
The day that only I am reflected in your eyes.

Can you not reach it? Can you reach it?
The distant stars which hold our wishes.

Can you hear it?
The words they send that couldn't be voiced.
They won't ever be lost.

Can you feel it? Can you not feel it?
I want these feelings to immediately reach you, my smile to reach your lips.

I want to touch, try to touch
I want to stop time, stand on tiptoe to gently kiss you.

Do you believe it? Do you not believe it?
I'm almost drowning from these hot feelings overflowing from my heart.

I want to hug you, hug you
So that it'll come true, this promise of eternal love.

Lyrics translated by ubill

"White Day" is the day that guys in Japan reciprocate by giving gifts to girls - having (hopefully) received chocolate (or other gifts/favours of equal or superior value) from girls* a month earlier on Valentine's Day.

* Not an uncommon occurence in shoujo storylines... for the main 'catch' of the story to be practically inundated with gifts from legions upon legions of swoooooning girls... (smile of sparkling teeth *KIRA KIRA* sends said girls into uncontrollable pirouettes of ecstacy on levels bordering on epileptic)

The song is the ending theme for the anime Girls Bravo - 13 episodes (half of the ideal 26 episode length, making it 2wice as ideal)
For those who are interested, basically the story is about an insignificant, good-for-nothing regular Japanese high school guy... who for some reason somehow has all the girls gravitating towards him. For the rest of us, it just means fan service, fan service, and more fan service.

I originally intended to submit this version of translation to the premier anime lyrics website, having taken and passed their test to become a contributor - at the 'full privileges' level.
However, I'd defer that until later as I think they prefer more 'literal' translations to be posted on their site, as their admin who graded my answer on their test commented:

" don't be too liberal. :p "

That is not unreasonable, as I see that their site is intended for people who want to learn Japanese and hence need to know, whenever possible, the exact one-to-one meanings of the words.
As such, that stopped me from submitting this (the original) version there.......



.......However I believe that one needn't translate every single word ... Rather, conveying the message in an elegant flow should be top priority.
Hence, the original version, here.

~ Happy White Day ! ~

Read on, for lyrics in romaji and kanji...

ここに いる から

運命の人 なんて いる わけない
なんて みんな 笑って 言った けど
今 感じてる 痛み は 確な もの だから
気がついて 私は いつでも あなたで 輝いている から

感じてる ? 感じてない ?
想い すぐに 届けたい 微笑んだ その 唇に

触れて みたい 触れて みる ?
時 を 止めて 背伸び して そっと キス したい

もしも 朝 目覚めたら あなたが いて
"おはよう" なんて 笑って 言った なら
きっと 体中 蕩けて 果無い 泡になる

すれ違う ただ その一瞬で 呼吸が止り そうに なるの

見つめてる ? 見つめてない ?
あなたの目に わたしだけ映し出す日が 来ます ように

届いてない ? 届いてる ?
遥か遠く あの星に 願かけた

聞こえる ?
差遣てる 声にならない 言葉を
もう逸れない ように

感じてる ? 感じてない ?
想い すぐに 届けたい 微笑んだ その 唇に

触れて みたい 触れて みる ?
時 を 止めて 背伸び して そっと キス したい

信じてる ? 信じてない ?
熱い想い 溢れ出す 心まで 溺れるくらい

抱きしめたい 抱きしめて
叶うのなら 永遠の愛を誓うの


"unmei no hito nante iru wakenai"
nante minna waratte ita kedo
ima kanjiteru itami wa tashika na mono dakara
kigatsuite watashi wa itsudemo anata de kagayaite iru kara

kanjiteru? kanjitenai?
omoi sugu ni todeketai hohoenda sono kuchibiru ni

furete mitai furete miru?
toki wo tomete senobi shite sotto KISS shitai

moshi mo asa mezame tara anata ga ite
"ohayou" nante waratte itta nara
kitto karadajuu torokete hakanai awa ni naru
surechigau tada sono isshun de kokyuu ga tomari souni naru no

mitsumeteru? mitsumetenai?
anata no me ni watashi dake utsushi dasu hi ga kimasu you ni

todoitenai? todoiteru?
haruka tooku ano hoshi ni negai kaketa

sakenteru koe ni naranai kotoba wo
mo hagure nai you ni...

kanjiteru? kanjitenai?
omoi sugu ni todoketai hohoenda sono kuchibiru ni

furete mitai furete miru?
toki wo tomete senobi shite sotto KISS shitai

shinjiteru? shinjitenai?
atsui omoi afuredasu kokoro made oboreru kurai

dakishimetai dakishimete
kanau no nara eien no ai wo chikau no
Interview With The UltraBeast katakana

Blurb ©

Placeholder for some future cool feature :D